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  • War in Ukraine - Do you need someone to talk to? (In Norwegian below)

War in Ukraine - Do you need someone to talk to? (In Norwegian below)

The Ukranian Flag

If you need someone to talk to we have multiple offers at USN. Student priest, SSN mental health service and us!

The whole world is affected by the events in Ukraine now.
We would like to remind you that student pastor Pernille Astrup and SSN's Mental Health Service are available to you who feel the need to talk to someone about what is happening. You can also talk to the student representatives. 

Pernille can be reached on telephone 474 01 110

SSN Health is open Monday to Friday. You can book appointments online: https://www.ssn.no/helse

The contact info for the student representattives is:

We would also like to say that this is not the fault of Russian students that go to USN. It is the Russian regime that is at fault, so please remember to take care of and support each other through this tough period.


Hele verden blir påvirket av det som foregår i Ukraina nå.
Vi ønsker å minne dere på at dere kan kontakte studentprest Pernille Astrup, SSN's mentale helsetjeneste og studenttillitsvalgte i SDSN om du trenger noen å snakke med om det som foregår.

Pernille kan nås på telefon 474 01 110

SSN Health is open Monday to Friday. You can book appointments online: https://www.ssn.no/helse

De studenttillitsvalgte kan nås på:

Vi vil også understreke at dette ikke er feilen til russiske studenter som går på USN, men den russiske regjeringen. Så vær så snill å husk å ta vare på hverandre og støtte hverandre gjennom perioden vi nå er i.